Examine room.

Your name is BRYKE LIAONING. As was mentioned previously, it is your BIRTHDAY. You have a variety of INTERESTS. You are COMPLETELY OBSESSED er, you mean, you have a PERFECTLY HEALTHY INTEREST in the great AVATAR KORRA, who is still your hero, even though she is over NINETY YEARS OLD. She is basically a LEGEND.

But of course, contrary to the belief of SOME PEOPLE, your interests are not limited to the Avatar alone. You like practicing your EARTHBENDING, and you are also an ASPIRING INVENTOR, though you have not had many BREAKTHROUGHS yet. You like to play GAMES, especially STRATEGY GAMES, or multiplayer games with your FRIENDS, some of whom you met over the INTERNET.

You often conjure up FANTASIES. Sometimes you like to imagine in your MIND what it would be like if YOU WERE THE AVATAR. You hope that the BARDS would sing your legends, as they do for Korra. Once in a while you dream up a fantasy so awesome it BLOWS YOUR MIND.

What will you do?

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